2022, Here We Go!

The new year is upon us and it is hard to believe we are ringing in 2022. I still have days where I don't think I have fully processed nor understood the scope of harsh newness 2020 brought us; yet, here we are, continuing to put one foot in front of the other.

I know many people frown on the idea of "new year resolutions". Some find them to be empty promises to make to ourselves, others find them to be a way fitness companies can capitalize on the average Joe. Anyway you spin it, resolutions exist and people make them in some form or another. We all like the idea of a new beginning or a reset, which is exactly what a new year brings us. An opportunity. A fresh take. A chance to restart and put our best foot forward.

So what are some of your resolutions (or whatever word you want to use) for the upcoming new year? Are they work related? Relationship-based? Personal or perspective based? Or, are they like mine? Extremely hard to box into any of these broad concepts because the resolution is so broad in itself it impacts many areas all at once?

Same, sis, same.

To put it simply, I'm focusing on me and my happiness.

I know what you're probably thinking. "Wow, how profound, how original?" all the while rolling your eyes. But hear me out...

I recently sat down and made a list of everything I was involved in over the course of the last year. I had promised myself that when things began to open back up and return to normal I wouldn't over commit. That lasted all of 5 seconds. Why? Because I have this mindset of "If I don't do it, no one else will, and think of all the people being negatively impacted by those things not getting done!" However, this has run me ragged. I'm tired and over-extended which has left me with little energy to give to any of the projects or organizations I'm a part of, let alone energy to put forth in my job or other aspects of my career I want to see move forward.

So, back to the list.

I jotted down the things I MUST designate time for: exercise, nutrition, and healthy relationships (this includes with others and myself). The other things fell under times of year: Year Round, Spring, Summer, and Fall. My goal was to only have one or two things listed under each and that these things are what I believe to bring me the most joy. I also included a section for things I want to introduce or re-introduce back into my life that bring me joy and also better my chances at new opportunities (i.e. voice lessons, gigging, reading, writing, learning a new language - thanks, Duolingo! - you get the idea).

So, this year I'm not making many small resolutions, rather I am focusing on where I put my time and energy to ensure I'm able to be fully present as much as possible. Fully present in teaching, fully present in volunteering, fully present in learning, fully present in loving...fully present in living. And as for the things that need to get done that I may personally choose to say no to doing? They will still get done. Because where something needs done, someone will be there to see to it that it gets done. Sometimes saying no to something can open up a much needed "yes" opportunity for someone else.

I hope whatever you have chosen to focus on as we enter the new year brings you joy, satisfaction, and a breath of fresh air, because we all need a little bit of that right now.

I enter 2022 with trepidation, but with much optimism and excitement. I wish for you the same.



  1. I just wrote my grandchildren something similar. This is a "RE" year -a year of reflecting, resetting, repurposing, recalculation, relaxing, respecting, reexamining, repaying, rejoicing, and relearning. Stay true to your self, Keegan, and have a wonderful 2022.


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